JR Machine Invests in New Automated Sawing Equipment to Sustain Growth

JR Machine, Inc., OEMs’ go-to contract manufacturer for complex machined parts, recently invested in two new auto-feed CNC sawing machines. Using the latest technologies, the TSUNE TK130GL and Amada PCSAW330’s automatic bar loading ensures faster, more precise cutting of materials. The saws repeatedly produce the highest-quality parts for hours without the need for intervention.
JR Machine expects the $250,000 capital investment to yield:
- Increased capacity through increased speed
- Two saws vs. a single saw operating with outdated technology
- Lower operating cost
- More work can be processed 100% in-house
- Quicker turnaround time, especially with higher production jobs
- CNC accuracy
- Ensuring consistency on subsequent operations
- Producing less waste: Blanks are square and closer to nominal size.
- The capability to process longer bar lengths (20 ft.+)
- Reduced environmental impact and cleaner shop air
- The PCSAW330 is equipped with:
- A full cover to prevent scattering of chips, cutting fluid and metal fragmentation
- A SMARTCUT BAND to reduce chips produced
- The PCSAW330 is equipped with:

The sawing equipment was added to JR Machine’s shop floor at the end of March 2019, with the CNC contract manufacturer already seeing quicker turn and higher throughput of raw material flowing to their machining cells.
“We are always looking for ways to strengthen our relationships with customers and will continue to put them first as we grow and evolve,” said Tim Tumanic, president of JR Machine. “This latest investment ensures our customers receive parts as quickly as possible. The automated saws allow us to cut parts at a rate as high as 7:1 versus our older technology, while maintaining blank squareness within .002!”
JR Machine has grown 55 percent over the last four years, with its 34 workers generating almost $12 million in sales—up from $5.5 million in 2010. The manufacturer recently completed a $1.7 million facility expansion that added 9,000 square feet to current manufacturing space to accommodate four new Mori Seiki NLX2500 multi-tasking CNC machines. JR Machine has invested a total of $3.8 million in facility expansions since 2016.
“Agility and continuous improvement have always been key to JR Machine’s success,” Tumanic said. “Ongoing investment in the latest technologies helps ensure we stay ahead of the curve and positions our business for sustained growth.”